zoological garden |
a public park or other enclosed area in which live animals are kept for exhibition; zoo. |
zoologist |
one who specialized in or studies zoology. |
zoology |
the science and study of animals. [3 definitions] |
zoom |
to move quickly or rapidly while making a low-pitched humming sound. [6 definitions] |
zoom lens |
a camera lens assembly that can be quickly adjusted to provide varying degrees of magnification with no loss of focus. |
zoomorphic |
of, having, or portrayed in the form of an animal. |
-zoon |
an animal organism that can exist and move about independently and that reproduces asexually; zooid. |
zoonosis |
a disease such as rabies that can be transmitted to people by animals. |
zoophagous |
feeding on animals; carnivorous. |
zoophilism |
a strong affection, esp. a sexual one, for animals. |
zoophyte |
any of various invertebrate animals that resemble a plant, such as a coral or sponge. |
zooplankton |
the animal life in plankton (Cf. phytoplankton.) |
zoospore |
a tiny asexual reproductive cell of certain algae and fungi that is capable of independent motion. |
zoot suit |
an exaggeratedly styled man's suit of the 1940s, consisting of baggy pants with tight cuffs and an oversized coat with wide lapels and padded shoulders. |
zori |
a flat sandal, often made of straw, with a thong in the front between the big toe and the toe next to it; thong. |
Zoroaster |
a Persian religious teacher of the sixth or seventh century B.C. who was the founder of Zoroastrianism; Zarathustra. |
Zoroastrian |
of or pertaining to Zoroaster or Zoroastrianism. [2 definitions] |
Zoroastrianism |
the religion of the Persians prior to their conversion to Islam, which is based on the belief in a supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, and which emphasizes the struggle between good and evil. |
Zouave |
a member of a former French infantry unit, originally composed of Algerians and characterized by their colorful Oriental uniforms and precision drilling. [2 definitions] |
zoysia |
any of various creeping grasses, native to Asia and Australia, that are used esp. for lawn grass. |
abbreviation of "zero population growth," a condition in a given population in which the number of live births equals the number of deaths, so that the population remains constant. |