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all-round all-around.
-art variant of -ard.
Blue Man Group a creative organization that provides performance-art theater in the form of a trio of blue-painted entertainers who incorporate such elements as food, odd props, rock music, and audience participation into their show.
earth science Earth science is the study of the planet Earth. Earth science is especially interested in what the planet is composed of, its weather, and how the planet developed and continues to change over time. Many different sciences, such as geology and meteorology--the study of weather--are part of earth science.
galleass a large, three-masted, heavily-armed fighting galley used in the Mediterranean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Janjaweed (used with a pl. verb) a heavily-armed, mounted militia group based in the Darfur region of Sudan. The name "janjaweed" comes from the Arabic, meaning "ghost riders."
-orium a place or device associated with or pertaining to; -arium.
Punjabi an Indo-Aryan language of the Punjab. [1/3 definitions]
sand grouse any of various birds related to pigeons that are found in arid and semi-arid regions of Asia, Africa, and southern Europe.
sinusoidal projection an equal-area map projection of the entire earth in which all lines of latitude are shown as straight lines and all lines of longitude as curved.
stiff-arm to shove (an opposing player, as in football) with one's arm held straight; straight-arm. [2 definitions]
straight-arm to keep (a sports opponent, esp. a football tackler) away from oneself by holding one's arm out straight; stiff-arm. [2 definitions]
Urdu the native language of Pakistan, written with Persian-Arabic characters. It is one of two official languages of Pakistan, the other being English, and is also widely used by Muslims in India.