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Dictionary Suite
book value the value of a business, asset, share of stock, or the like, as shown in the financial accounting records. (Cf. market value.)
capitalize in accounting, to treat (expenditures) as assets. [1/4 definitions]
cost accounting an accounting system in which all costs of production and distribution are itemized and allocated, as to various products.
credit in accounting, value received by or existing in an account. (Cf. debit.) [1/12 definitions]
depreciation an allowance made for this decrease in accounting or for tax purposes. [1/4 definitions]
fiscal year an accounting period that covers any twelve consecutive months, at the end of which the books are closed and profit or loss is determined.
M.B.A. a degree earned in accounting or other areas of business after one or two years of additional courses following college. "M.B.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Business Administration."
rationalization the act or process of accounting for one's behavior, events, or the like, with seemingly reasonable and logical explanations which are actually self-serving attempts to excuse or justify.
record an accounting of criminal acts. [1/15 definitions]
working capital in accounting, the amount left over when all liabilities have been subtracted from the figure representing an individual's or group's total assets. [1/2 definitions]