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do1 used to emphasize the affirmative quality of the main verb and to counter a negative perception or possibility. [1/13 definitions]
have to used to make a confident judgment about something based only on logic rather than knowledge of the facts; must (used in affirmative statements only). [1/2 definitions]
litotes in rhetoric, an understatement, esp. one expressed by a negation of an affirmative, as in "not the worst book I ever read".
negation the absence, opposite, or negative of that which is actual or affirmative. [1/2 definitions]
negative a statement or expression that is the opposite of affirmative. [1/14 definitions]
pro1 one who takes a position in favor of something, such as the affirmative side in a debate. (Cf. con1.) [1/3 definitions]
proposition in logic, an affirmative or negative statement. [1/5 definitions]
uh-huh used to indicate a positive or affirmative response, or to show that one is paying attention.
yea an affirmative vote or answer. [2/5 definitions]
yes an affirmative response. [2/6 definitions]