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action movie a film whose story line focuses on conflict and fast-paced activity, esp. involving physical violence, feats of strength and agility, and chase scenes.
gymnastics (used with a plural verb) physical exercises used to develop and show strength, control, and agility. Gymnastics are often done with the aid of special equipment, such as bars and ropes. [1/2 definitions]
left-handed using the left hand with greater ease or agility than the right. [1/5 definitions]
light-footed moving or able to move lightly, quickly, or with agility.
lightly with agility and ease. [1/4 definitions]
lightness2 ease of movement; agility; grace. [1/5 definitions]
loose-jointed moving with notable ease, agility, and flexibility; limber. [1/2 definitions]
monkey one having the characteristics of some monkeys, such as great agility, playfulness, or mischievousness. [1/3 definitions]
nuthatch any of various small birds with a short tail, a long, narrow, sharp beak, and agility in climbing about on tree trunks and branches in search of insects.