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alpenhorn a very long curved wooden horn, used by herdsmen in the Alps to call cattle.
Alpine of, pertaining to, or located or living in the Alps. [1/4 definitions]
alpinist one who climbs in the Alps or other similar mountains. [1/2 definitions]
chalet a house common in the Swiss Alps, having balconies, and wide eaves. [2/3 definitions]
cisalpine on this, the southern, or the Roman side of the Alps.
edelweiss a small plant of the Alps, having whitish woolly leaves and bearing white flowers.
lederhosen short leather pants with suspenders worn by men and boys in Bavaria and parts of the Alps.
Switzerland a country in central Europe in the Alps, between France, Germany, Austria, and Italy.
tertiary of, relating to, or designating the earlier of two periods of the Cenozoic Era, from approximately 65 million to 1.8 million years ago, when high mountains such as the Alps and Himalayas were formed and mammals became prominent. [1/5 definitions]
transalpine beyond or across the Alps, esp. northward from Italy.
ultramontane of or relating to the area beyond the mountains, esp. the Italian regions south of the Alps. [2/4 definitions]
yodel a song or refrain with frequent rapid changes between the natural voice and a very high voice, esp. popular among the mountain people of the Alps. [1/2 definitions]