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agave any of the tropical American plants, such as the century plant, that are related to the amaryllis and have tall, branched clusters of flowers and leaves with spiny edges.
ageratum any of various low-growing, cultivated American plants of the aster family, with violet-blue or white flowers.
bilberry any of several woody wild or cultivated North American plants that produce edible dark blue berries. [1/2 definitions]
bouvardia any of several tropical American plants cultivated for their showy red or white flowers.
camas any of various North American plants of the lily family that bear clusters of blue or white flowers and have a sweet edible bulb. [1/2 definitions]
cassava any of several tropical American plants with a tuberous root that yields a nutritive starch. [1/2 definitions]
cube2 any of certain American plants related to the pea, the roots of which yield rotenone.
curare a resinous extract of certain South American plants, used as an arrow poison or as a drug for relaxing muscles. [2 definitions]
death camas any of various North American plants of the lily family that bear white or greenish flowers and have roots that are poisonous, esp. to sheep.
gentian any of a large variety of European and American plants that bear colorful, usu. blue or yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
guaco any of several tropical South American plants that yield a medicinal substance used to treat snakebite.
ipecac either of two tropical South American plants related to madder, coffee, and gardenia, whose roots are used medicinally. [1/2 definitions]
istle a fiber from any of various tropical American plants such as agave and yucca, used for cords, nets, carpets, and the like.
lungwort a related American plant having grayish leaves and bearing bell-shaped blue flowers; bluebell; Virginia cowslip. [1/2 definitions]
partridgeberry a creeping woody North American plant that has round leaves and bears white flowers and scarlet berries.
poison ivy a North American plant bearing leaflets in groups of three, greenish flowers, and white berries and secreting an oil that can cause a severe rash on contact. [1/2 definitions]
rosinweed any of several related, composite, North American plants that have a resinous sap, sticky exterior, and strong aroma, such as the compass plant or the gum plant.
sabadilla a tropical American plant of the lily family, with poisonous seeds that are used in insecticides.
sensitive plant a tropical American plant, related to the mimosa, that bears tiny purple flowers in clusters and has leaflets that fold together at even a slight touch. [1/2 definitions]
skunk cabbage a perennial eastern North American plant with large cabbagelike leaves, bearing a cluster of small flowers in a purple hooded covering, and having an unpleasant smell, or a related plant of western North America.
sycamore any of a group of tall trees bearing leaves with hollow leafstalk bases and flowers in balls, esp. the American plane tree or buttonwood. [2/3 definitions]