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Andromeda an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Pegasus, with which it shares the bright triple star Alpheratz, and containing a spiral galaxy. [1/2 definitions]
Aquarius an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Capricornus and Pisces; Water Bearer. [1/3 definitions]
Aries an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Pisces and Taurus; Ram. [1/3 definitions]
autumnal pertaining to or characteristic of autumn. [1/2 definitions]
Capricornus an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Sagittarius and Aquarius; Goat.
Cetus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located below Pisces and Aries and containing the variable star Mira.
colchicum any of various plants of the lily family, usu. blooming in the fall; autumn crocus. [1/2 definitions]
fall autumn. [1/19 definitions]
Northern Spy a large yellowish red American apple that ripens in late autumn or early winter.
Pegasus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Aquarius and Andromeda, with which it shares the bright triple star Alpheratz. [1/2 definitions]
Perseus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Auriga and Andromeda and containing Algol, a variable eclipsing binary star. [1/2 definitions]
Pisces an autumn zodiacal constellation located between Aquarius and Aries; Fish. [1/4 definitions]
Puja holidays a major Hindu festival, also known as Durga Puja, lasting several days every autumn.
russet a variety of apple having rough mottled skin, which ripens in the autumn. [1/4 definitions]
summer the warmest season of the year, falling between spring and autumn. In the northern hemisphere, summer lasts from the June solstice to the September equinox. [1/8 definitions]
tumbleweed any of various plants whose rounded, branched tops break off in autumn and are rolled about by the wind.
winter the season of the year that is the lowest in temperature and occurs between the autumn and spring seasons. In the northern hemisphere, winter begins with the December solstice and ends at the March equinox. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at the summer solstice in June and ends with the autumnal equinox in September. [2/10 definitions]
witch hazel any of a family of shrubs and small trees of eastern North America and Asia that bear yellow flowers in autumn. [1/2 definitions]