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Dictionary Suite
auction a public sale at which prospective buyers bid for goods and merchandise. [1/2 definitions]
auction bridge a version of bridge in which players bid for the right to specify which suit will be trump, any extra tricks won beyond the contract being scored toward a game.
bade a past tense of bid.
biddable in card games, capable of being bid on. [1/2 definitions]
box supper a social and fund-raising occasion at which the participants bid for donated box lunches.
counterbid combined form of bid.
no-trump in bridge, a bid to play a hand without specifying a trump suit. [1/2 definitions]
outbid to make a higher bid or offer than (another).
overbid to bid more than (another person or the correct value of something). [3 definitions]
preemptive of or relating to a strike or attack such as a bid in bridge or a military attack, made in anticipation of or to prevent an opposing strike. [1/2 definitions]
rebid combined form of bid.
underbid to submit a lower bid than (a competitor). [3 definitions]
wish to bid. [1/9 definitions]