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airborne borne or carried in the air. [1/2 definitions]
alyssum any of a group of weedy low-growing plants of the mustard family, having tiny white or yellow four-petaled flowers borne on branched stalks. [1/2 definitions]
burden1 something that is carried, borne, or endured, usu. with some difficulty. [1/3 definitions]
chickpea the pealike bean borne by this plant; garbanzo. [1/2 definitions]
crosier a staff topped by a crook or cross, borne by or before an abbot, bishop, or archbishop as a sign of his office.
funicular in botany, of or pertaining to the stalk on which an ovule or seed is borne. [1/4 definitions]
hypothyroidism a deficiency in thyroid activity and secretion, resulting, if unchecked, in goiter and loss of vigor in victims and in cretinism in fetuses borne by them.
impose to institute or establish as something to be fulfilled or borne. [1/3 definitions]
pea a small, round, green seed borne in pods on a climbing plant of the legume family, and used as a vegetable. [1/3 definitions]
pedunculate having, borne by, or growing on a peduncle.
pompon a small rounded head of flowers, such as that borne by some chrysanthemums or dahlias. [1/2 definitions]
pumpkin a large, roundish, gourdlike orange fruit that has thick edible flesh and is borne on a low-growing vine. [1/3 definitions]
ride to be conveyed or borne by a vehicle or other means of locomotion. [2/16 definitions]
squash2 a gourdlike fruit that is borne on a vinelike plant and is eaten as a vegetable. [1/2 definitions]