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camp1 to set up a camp. [1/5 definitions]
camp bed the British word for a small portable bed that folds up. "Camp bed" has the same meaning as "cot."
camper a person who stays at a camp or goes camping. [1/2 definitions]
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth, as at a camp or camping site. [1/2 definitions]
camp fire member a member of the Camp Fire, an organization originally for girls and now also open to boys, founded to promote good values and character and develop practical skills.
campsite a place where one sets up camp, usually within a campground. [2 definitions]
canteen a small establishment, in a camp or workplace, that sells food, drink, and some hard goods such as grooming or cosmetic supplies. [1/3 definitions]
commissary a store that sells food and other goods, esp. at a military post or work camp. [1/2 definitions]
concentration camp a prison camp in which large numbers of political prisoners, aliens, or those considered undesirable are confined and sometimes executed.
counselor a person who watches over and helps children at a camp. [1/3 definitions]
decamp to pack up gear and leave a camp. [1/2 definitions]
encamp to set up, or take lodging in, a camp. [2 definitions]
encampment a place where a camp has been set up. [2 definitions]
Gila River Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp located on the Gila River Indian Reservation that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak, there were over 13,000 people forcibly living there.
Granada Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp, also known as Camp Amache, located in southeastern Colorado that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak, there were 7,300 people forcibly living there.
gulag a Soviet forced labor camp, as for political prisoners. [2 definitions]
infirmary a place for the care of the ill or injured, such as a hospital or clinic, or a space devoted to such care in an institutional residence such as a school or camp.
installation a relatively permanent military camp. [1/2 definitions]
intern1 to confine in a prison or camp, esp. during wartime. [1/2 definitions]
internment confinement in a prison or prison camp, esp. during wartime.
Jerome Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp located in southeastern Arkansas that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak in late 1942, there were 8,500 people forcibly living there. After it was closed, the Jerome Center was converted into a holding camp for German prisoners of war.