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Carboniferous the Carboniferous Period, or the rock and coal layers that date from that time.
carboniferous (cap.) the Carboniferous period. [1/3 definitions]
coal measures coal-bearing strata found in carboniferous rock. [1/2 definitions]
Devonian of, relating to, or designating the geological period between the Silurian and the Carboniferous of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 400 million to 350 million years ago, when large trees and amphibians appeared and fish were in great abundance. [1/2 definitions]
Mississippian of, relating to, or designating the first coal-forming period of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 350 million to 320 million years ago, when land areas increased and winged insects developed; Lower Carboniferous. [1/4 definitions]
Pennsylvanian of, relating to, or designating the second coal-forming period of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 320 million to 280 million years ago, when swamp forests were abundant and large reptiles appeared; Upper Carboniferous. [1/4 definitions]