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bandbox a usu. cylindrical box of cardboard or thin wood, used to hold a hat or other clothing items.
board a flat, rectangular piece of wood, cardboard, or the like, used for a specific purpose. [1/9 definitions]
box1 a container made of cardboard, wood, or other stiff material, usu. rectangular and having a lid for the top. [1/9 definitions]
card1 a small piece of thick paper, cardboard, or plastic printed with personal data such as name and address and used as identification. [1/4 definitions]
cracker a cylindrical cardboard party favor that makes a loud crack when opened and contains treats or favors. [1/4 definitions]
dust jacket a paper or cardboard sleeve in which a phonograph record is stored for protection from dust, scratches, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
emery board a small stiff strip of cardboard that has been coated with powdered emery, used as a nail file.
folder a piece of thick paper or lightweight cardboard folded at the center and used as a cover or container for papers, letters, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
hardcover a book produced with a relatively hard cover, usu. of cardboard and cloth; hardback. [1/2 definitions]
jigsaw puzzle a puzzle consisting of a picture or design that has been cut into pieces of different shapes, which must be put together to reassemble the picture. The puzzle is usually made of cardboard or wood, and the pieces typically interlock.
mat2 a piece of cardboard or other stiff material that acts as a frame for a picture or as a border between a picture and its frame. [2 definitions]
match1 a slender strip of wood or cardboard with a combustible material on the end that is ignited by friction.
matchbook a small, usu. cardboard folder containing rows of matches.
matchbox a small cardboard box that holds matches.
matting2 a piece of stiff material, usu. cardboard, used to frame a picture or act as a border between a picture and its frame. [1/2 definitions]
oaktag sturdy cardboard used for posters, folders, and the like; tagboard.
paperboard a material made of paper pulp or layers of paper compressed into sheets; cardboard; pasteboard.
paste-up a piece of cardboard or heavy paper on which type or artwork is pasted for making a printing plate.
plasterboard a thin sheet of hardened plaster covered with paper or cardboard and used to cover walls and ceilings.
pop-up having or being a piece of artwork, esp. on cardboard or stiff paper, that becomes three-dimensional when it is opened, or that has parts that move up and down. [1/6 definitions]
poster a large temporary sign made of sturdy paper or cardboard posted in a public place for advertising or displaying information, or a similar sign or artistic print used for decoration in a home or other non-public place.