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abduct to carry off or lead away by force; kidnap.
accomplish to do or complete; carry out; achieve. [1/2 definitions]
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish. [1/2 definitions]
afferent bearing or leading toward a central organ or part, as nerves that conduct impulses to the spinal column or as veins that carry blood to the heart.
airline a tube or hose used to carry air to where it will be used, as to a deep-sea diver. [1/2 definitions]
ambassador a high-ranking official sent by one nation to another either to carry out a specific diplomatic mission or to serve in residence there. [1/3 definitions]
ambulance a vehicle used to carry ill or injured people to a hospital.
aquaplane a board pulled by a speedboat and used to carry a standing rider along the surface of the water. [1/3 definitions]
aqueduct a structure like a bridge for carrying a waterway or pipe across a river or valley. [1/2 definitions]
artillery large weapons used in land battles, such as cannons or rockets. Artillery is too heavy for a person to carry and is sometimes mounted on wheels. [1/2 definitions]
automate to control or carry out using mechanical or electronic devices. [1/3 definitions]
automobile a vehicle with four wheels that is powered by a motor that uses gasoline or other fuel; car. An automobile is used on roads to carry people.
backpack a pack used to carry objects on one's back while hiking or walking. [1/2 definitions]
baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
baldric a belt, often decorated, that is worn over the shoulder and diagonally across the body to carry a sword or bugle.
bandwagon a colorfully decorated wagon used to carry musicians at the head of a circus parade. [1/2 definitions]
banter to carry on banter. [1/2 definitions]
bear1 to carry. [1/8 definitions]
bear arms to carry and possess weapons.
beeper a device that emits a beeping sound when it receives a radio signal, usu. used for paging those who carry it.