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Dictionary Suite
cheroot an untapered cigar made with both ends open.
cigarillo a small thin cigar.
corona a long untapered cigar. [1/5 definitions]
panatela a long thin cigar.
panetela a long tapering cigar.
perfecto a standard cigar that is thick in the center and tapers at both ends.
puff to inhale smoke from (a cigarette or cigar); smoke. [2/16 definitions]
smoke (informal) any tobacco product that can be smoked, such as a cigarette or cigar. [3/12 definitions]
stogy a long and thin, usu. cheap, cigar. [1/2 definitions]
stub to extinguish (a cigar or cigarette) by pressing the end against something (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
wooden Indian a carved wooden statue of a standing American Indian brave, formerly placed as an advertisement in front of cigar stores.