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Dictionary Suite
continental a piece of paper money issued by the Continental Congress. [1/6 definitions]
George Washington the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the U.S. War of Independence and the first President of the United States (1789-1797). During his presidency, Washington focused on bringing a spirit of unity to the newly formed nation, creating a new capital, and expanding U.S. territory westward (b.1732--d.1799).
grand tour an extended tour of Europe, esp. continental Europe, formerly taken as the culmination and completion of study by young, wealthy, often aristocratic men of England or America. [1/2 definitions]
Labrador a very large peninsula in eastern Canada that contains portions of the province of Quebec as well as the continental region of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. [1/3 definitions]
Mohorovicic discontinuity the irregular jointure of the earth's crust with the layer of mantle rock beneath it, positioned nearly twenty-two miles beneath the continental land masses and from three to six miles beneath the ocean floor.
plate a tectonic plate, any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. [1/10 definitions]
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
tectonic plate any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions.