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active currently operating, in process, or in effect. [1/7 definitions]
actuality the state or fact of truly or currently existing; reality. [1/2 definitions]
DDT a powerful pesticide, insoluble in water, currently restricted in the United States because of adverse effects on the environment; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.
EU abbreviation of "European Union," an economic and political union of twenty-seven democratic countries formed from the European Economic Community in 1993. The union currently consists of the member states Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
European Union an economic and political union of a large number of democratic countries in Europe formed in 1993 from the former European Economic Community. Additional nations have joined since 1993, and one, the United Kingdom, had been a member originally but removed itself in 2020. The European Union currently consists of the member states Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Many of the countries share a common currency, the Euro.
guinea a monetary unit of the United Kingdom, currently used only in limited circumstances, equaling twenty-one shillings, or 105 pence. [1/3 definitions]
have to be currently in possession of. [1/15 definitions]
incumbent currently holding an office or position. [2/4 definitions]
in print currently available from the publisher. [1/2 definitions]
living currently alive. [2/10 definitions]
might as well used to indicate an alternative course of action that cannot be any worse than what one is currently doing and may be the best course of action, even though it may not be the ideal thing or the thing that one had originally planned. [1/2 definitions]
miss2 (cap.) the traditional title of an unmarried woman, preceding the surname, and currently often replaced by "Ms.". [1/2 definitions]
new halfpenny the official name of the halfpenny currently minted in the United Kingdom. (See halfpenny.)
no longer not currently happening or in the same state or condition as before; not anymore. [1/2 definitions]
now at this moment; at present; currently. [2/11 definitions]
off not currently engaged in or involved with. [1/37 definitions]
out not currently functioning, or not able to function. [1/29 definitions]
out of stock currently unavailable for sale; not present within the merchandise of the store. [1/2 definitions]
prevail to be currently in effect. [1/5 definitions]
real time the actual time required for a computer to complete a computation, the result being necessary to control a currently ongoing process, such as the simultaneous booking of airline tickets. [1/2 definitions]
scale back to reduce the size or extent of something from what it currently is or what it previously had been.