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Dictionary Suite
dial to select, regulate, or tune to by using a dial. [1/8 definitions]
digital clock a clock that displays the time as digits rather than by hands on a dial.
hand the pointer of a clock or dial. [1/17 definitions]
liqueur a strong alcoholic beverage with a sweet or aromatic flavoring; cordial.
needle a long slender pointer or indicator on a clock, meter, or dial. [1/7 definitions]
pointer a hand or needle on a measuring device such as a watch, compass, or other dial. [1/5 definitions]
ratafia a biscuit or macaroon flavored with such a cordial. [1/2 definitions]
turn down to decrease the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [1/4 definitions]
turn up to increase the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [1/3 definitions]