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adore to worship as a divinity. [1/4 definitions]
Christian one who believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ and strives to follow his teachings. [1/5 definitions]
D.D. abbreviation of "Doctor of Divinity."
deity the essential character, nature, or condition of a god; divinity. [1/4 definitions]
epiphany (cap.) a Christian celebration on January 6 of the revelation of the divinity of Jesus Christ to the Magi. [1/3 definitions]
godhead divinity. [1/3 definitions]
godhood the state of being a god; divinity.
hypostasis in Christian theology, the singular, unique nature of God, the equal divinity of each person of the Trinity, and the incorporation of the fullness of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. [1/4 definitions]
theosophy any of various religious philosophies based on mystical insight of the individual person into divinity, arising from spiritual perception and meditation. [1/2 definitions]
thou the person or divinity spoken to or addressed (used as nd person singular pronoun esp. in earlier literature and religious writing); you.
trance in spiritualism or some religions, a condition in which a medium or other person is considered to be controlled by, and to speak for, others, esp. the dead or a divinity. [1/4 definitions]