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adobe a building material of sun-dried clay mixed with straw, usu. made into bricks. [1/3 definitions]
ammonite2 a nitrogenous mixture that consists mainly of dried animal fats, used as a fertilizer.
arrowroot a plant of tropical America whose root is dried and pulverized to produce a nutritious starch. [1/2 definitions]
baba au rhum a light, porous cake, usu. made with yeast and sometimes containing raisins or other dried fruit, that is soaked with rum before serving.
bay leaf the dried leaf of one of two plants of the laurel family, used to season foods.
beanbag a small cloth bag with dried beans or pellets sealed inside, used as a plaything. [1/2 definitions]
berry any of various dried seeds or kernels, such as wheat or coffee. [1/5 definitions]
betel the dried leaf of this plant, chewed with the betel nut as a stimulant or narcotic. [1/2 definitions]
bhang any of several narcotics or intoxicants made from the dried flowers and leaves of this plant. [1/2 definitions]
black pepper a spice made by grinding the whole dried berry of the pepper plant.
brick a uniform, rectangular block of clay, dried and hardened by sun or in a kiln, used as a building material. [1/6 definitions]
brick red the color of dried bricks; brownish red.
bulgur a nutritious wheat that is boiled, cracked or ground, and dried.
cannabis the dried flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant, or the plant itself; marijuana; hashish.
capsicum these pods or their seeds prepared, esp. dried, for use as a condiment or gastric stimulant. [1/2 definitions]
catgut a thin, strong cord made of twisted, dried animal intestines, esp. those of sheep, and used for the strings of tennis rackets and certain musical instruments, and as surgical thread.
chili a seasoning or other preparation made from this dried pod. [1/3 definitions]
chili powder a powdered seasoning of dried chilies, garlic, cumin, and the like.
chipped beef dried beef, sometimes smoked, that is very thinly sliced.
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used as a spice. [1/2 definitions]
coca either of two shrubs native to the Andes, the dried leaves of which are the source of cocaine and other alkaloids. [2 definitions]