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Africa a continent of the Eastern Hemisphere south of Europe, between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Asia a large continent in the Eastern Hemisphere, bounded by the Arctic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, the Red Sea, and eastern Europe.
Old World the Eastern Hemisphere, esp. Europe or European culture.
pipistrelle any of a genus of small bats, found in North America and most of the Eastern Hemisphere, that fly before nightfall.
python any of a number of nonpoisonous snakes of the Eastern Hemisphere that kill by crushing and suffocating their victims. [1/3 definitions]
tamarind a tropical tree, related to legumes, that is found in the Eastern Hemisphere, and that bears compound, feathery leaves, yellow flowers, and a juicy, acid fruit inside long pods. [1/2 definitions]
wryneck either of two woodpeckers found in the Eastern Hemisphere that can twist their necks into contortions. [1/3 definitions]