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agape1 open-mouthed in wonder or astonishment. [1/4 definitions]
alkaloid any of various nitrogen-containing organic bases found in plants and from which drugs such as nicotine, quinine, and morphine are made.
amino of, relating to, or containing an amine or other chemical substance formed by anitrogen-hydrogen group in combination with nonacidic organic compounds.
Ammon the Greek and Roman name for Amen or Amen-Re, the ancient Egyptian god of life, often identified with Zeus and Jupiter.
ballade a poem of three eight-line or ten-line stanzas followed by an envoy of four or five lines, the stanzas and the envoy all having the same last line. [1/2 definitions]
cheesecloth a coarse, open-textured cloth of lightweight cotton, used for straining foods.
clap a forceful, open-handed slap or blow. [1/11 definitions]
clog dance a dance, with or without music, performed by a group of dancers wearing wooden-soled clogs that are stamped percussively to the rhythm.
crab1 any of various ten-legged marine crustaceans, having broad, flat bodies, eyes on short stalks, and strong pincers on the front legs. The meat of some kinds of crabs is commonly eaten by humans. [1/8 definitions]
debacle a torrent of rushing water or broken-up ice, as on a river; flood. [1/3 definitions]
decagon in geometry, a ten-sided plane figure.
decahedron in geometry, a ten-faced solid figure.
decemvir one of any ten-member board, commission, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
diclinous of a plant, having the pollen-bearing and seed-bearing organs in separate flowers. [1/2 definitions]
diya a small, open-dish oil lamp made of baked clay, used in India and Nepal.
eagle-eyed having extremely good vision; keen-sighted.
free-handed giving generously; open-handed. [1/3 definitions]
gauze open-weave cotton cloth used to cover a wound. [1/2 definitions]
generous displaying or acting in a tolerant, open-hearted, or forgiving manner. [1/4 definitions]
grain in certain systems of weight, the smallest unit, derived from the weight of a ripe grain of wheat and equal to one seven-thousandth of a pound or 64.798 milligrams. [1/11 definitions]
green light the green-colored light that signifies that oncoming traffic has the right of way. [1/2 definitions]