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bioethical of or pertaining to the ethical implications of biological research and biological research applications.
bioethics the study of the ethical implications of biological and medical research and research applications.
bound1 under ethical or legal obligation. [1/5 definitions]
casuistry the application of general ethical principles in determining right and wrong in particular cases. [1/2 definitions]
categorical imperative the claims of personal conscience in respect to a particular ethical choice.
character strong moral and ethical qualities; integrity. [1/7 definitions]
Confucianism the ethical teachings of Confucius, which emphasize reverence for ancestors, devotion to family and friends, cultivation and discipline of the mind, and social responsibility.
Confucius a Chinese philosopher whose ethical teachings were introduced into Chinese religion; K'ung Fu-tzu (551?-479? B.C.).
duty ethical, legal, or moral obligation. [1/5 definitions]
godly characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture; pious; devout.
hedonism the ethical doctrine that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans. [1/2 definitions]
high-minded displaying or possessing a great concern for ethical principles or lofty ideals or sentiments.
Hippocratic oath an oath to follow the ethical codes of the medical profession, usu. taken by new physicians.
humanitarian of or pertaining to the ethical doctrine that the improvement and welfare of humankind is one's primary obligation. [1/3 definitions]
integrity a strong sense of honesty and morality; firmness of moral and ethical character. [1/2 definitions]
morality principles related to what is right or wrong, or a particular doctrine or ethical system. [1/4 definitions]
Nation of Islam an organization, mainly of U.S. blacks, that espouses the religious and ethical doctrines of Islam. (See Black Muslim.)
nonethical combined form of ethical.
object lesson a concrete, practical demonstration or illustration of a moral precept or ethical principle.
preethical combined form of ethical.
rectitude moral or ethical propriety; uprightness. [1/3 definitions]