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araucaria a cone-bearing evergreen native to the Southern Hemisphere and grown as an ornamental elsewhere.
arbutus an evergreen tree or shrub of the heath family having broad dark green leaves and bearing clusters of pink or white flowers and small strawberrylike fruit. [1/2 definitions]
aspidistra a plant with broad, smooth evergreen leaves growing from the base of the stem, often cultivated as a houseplant.
aucuba an Asian evergreen shrub of the dogwood family that has variegated leaves and bears red berries.
balm of Gilead any of several small evergreen trees native to western Asia and Africa. [1/2 definitions]
balsam fir a tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States. It is an evergreen tree and is cut for lumber and Christmas trees.
bergamot a small citrus evergreen that bears a sour fruit whose rind yields a fragrant oil. [1/3 definitions]
big tree a very tall cone-bearing evergreen found in California; giant sequoia.
box3 a hardwood evergreen shrub or tree used ornamentally. [1/2 definitions]
buckthorn an evergreen tree or shrub found in the southern parts of the United States. [1/2 definitions]
camellia an evergreen shrub or tree, native to Asia, with shiny leaves and large colorful blossoms. [1/2 definitions]
cashew a tropical American evergreen tree. A gum used in medicine is obtained from the bark. [1/2 definitions]
cedar an evergreen tree of the pine family that bears cones. Cedars have strong wood with a sweet smell. [1/2 definitions]
chinquapin a large evergreen tree of the western United States. [1/3 definitions]
Christmas tree a real or artificial evergreen tree, usually placed indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
cone the fruit of many evergreen trees that has the shape of a cone and bears seeds. [1/3 definitions]
conifer a tree with cones and narrow leaves called needles. Pines and firs are conifers. Most conifers are evergreen.
cowberry a low creeping evergreen with white or pink flowers and edible, acid red berries.
creosote bush an evergreen, resinous shrub of northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, having a strong odor similar to that of creosote.
cycad a tropical evergreen plant resembling a palm, but having fernlike leaves.
cypress an evergreen tree that has tiny leaves like scales.