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ancestor in biology, an organism or species from which present life forms have evolved. [1/4 definitions]
creationism the doctrine that the world, life, and matter were created out of nothing by an omnipotent god, rather than that they evolved from other forms. [1/2 definitions]
Darwinian theory Charles Darwin's theory that plants and animals evolved from early primitive life forms with variation caused by natural selection and survival of the fittest. (See evolution.)
drug-resistant of or relating to a pathogen or cancer that has evolved the ability to tolerate a drug.
Greek the language of ancient Greece, or any of the languages that later evolved from it, including modern Greek. [1/6 definitions]
mother tongue one language from which another has evolved. [1/2 definitions]
multidrugresistant of or relating to a disease-causing agent, such as a pathogen or cancer, that has evolved the ability to tolerate more than one drug, or to a disease caused by such an agent.
pesticide resistance the evolved resistance of a pest to one or more pesticides.
pesticide-resistent of or pertaining to a pest population that has evolved tolerance to one or more pesticides.
Saint Nicholas a Greek bishop of the fourth century and Christian saint renowned for his giving of small gifts and from whose legend evolved the cultural figure of Santa Claus associated with the Christmas holiday (b. 270 A.D.?--d. 343 A.D.). [1/2 definitions]
tetrapod any vertebrate having four limbs, or having evolved from a four-limbed ancestor.