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amah in India and the Far East, a female servant, esp. a child's nurse.
compound2 an enclosed area in which residential units and sometimes other facilities are provided, as for foreigners in some Middle and Far East countries. [1/2 definitions]
east (cap.) the Orient; the Near East; the Far East. [1/7 definitions]
japonica any of various trees, shrubs, or plants of the Far East, such as the Japanese quince or the camellia.
orient (cap., outdated) the regions east and southeast of southern Europe, esp. the Far East (usu. prec. by "the"); the East. [1/6 definitions]
oriental (cap.) of or belonging to the Far East, as a plant or animal species. [1/3 definitions]
sampan a small boat of the Far East, usu. flat-bottomed and propelled by one or two oars.
teahouse a restaurant or similar place, common in the Far East, where tea and other refreshments are served.