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Dictionary Suite
abbess the female superior of a convent of nuns.
adventuress a female adventurer, esp. one who advances by dishonest or ruthless means.
age of consent the age at which a person, usu. female, is legally considered to be competent to consent to sexual relations, used as a standard in determining whether statutory rape has occurred.
alewife2 a female alehouse keeper.
altar girl a young female person who assists the clergy in religious services; acolyte.
alto the vocal range between tenor and soprano. Alto is the lowest range for the female voice and highest for the male. [1/4 definitions]
alumna a female graduate or former student of an educational institution.
amah in India and the Far East, a female servant, esp. a child's nurse.
Amazon a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors who are written about in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
amniocentesis a procedure for obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant female for diagnosis of the fetus.
ancestress a female ancestor.
anchorwoman in broadcasting, a female anchor on a news program.
androgynous possessing both male and female characteristics or traits; hermaphroditic. [1/2 definitions]
antifemale combined form of female.
archegonium the female reproductive organ in ferns, mosses, and some similar plants.
artificial insemination the use of means other than sexual intercourse to impregnate a female.
assemblywoman a female member of a legislative assembly.
bacchante a female bacchant; maenad.
ballerina a female ballet dancer.
banshee a female spirit in Irish folk stories. Banshees wail to predict someone's death.
baroness a female baron. [1/2 definitions]