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alb a full-length linen robe worn by some Christian priests at the Eucharist.
caftan a loose, full-length garment with long sleeves and a sash tied at the waist, worn esp. in countries of the Middle East.
chaps full-length leather leggings worn esp. by cowboys to protect the legs while riding horseback.
cheval glass a full-length framed mirror mounted in such a way that it can be tilted or swiveled.
deck chair a lightweight folding chair, often with a full-length leg rest, often used on passenger ships.
floor-length extending to the floor, as a skirt, dress, or robe; full-length.
prostrate lying full-length, esp. face down as in submission or worship. [1/6 definitions]
redingote a woman's full-length dress or coat, usu. belted and open in front to reveal a dress or petticoat underneath.
short subject a brief film, usu. shown as an introduction to a full-length feature, or between two full-length films.