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Dictionary Suite
Anglo-Saxon a person of Germanic descent who lived in England before the Norman Conquest, or a descendant thereof. [1/5 definitions]
Danish the Germanic language of Denmark. [1/3 definitions]
Dutch the Germanic language of the Netherlands. [1/5 definitions]
Flemish the Germanic language of the Flemings. [1/3 definitions]
Goth a member of a Germanic people who invaded the Roman Empire during the third through fifth centuries A.D. [1/2 definitions]
Holy Roman Empire the empire of central European, Germanic-speaking nations and Italy, beginning with Charlemagne's reign as Roman emperor in 800 A.D. or the crowning of Otto I in 962, and ending in 1806.
Icelandic the Germanic language of Iceland. [1/2 definitions]
kobold in Germanic folklore, a spirit or elf that haunts households. [2 definitions]
Lohengrin in Germanic legend, a knight of the Holy Grail.
Lorelei in Germanic legend, a siren of the Rhine whose singing lures sailors to shipwreck.
Low German a subbranch of Germanic, other than High German, that includes English, Dutch, Flemish, and Frisian. (Cf. High German.) [2 definitions]
Nibelung in Germanic mythology, any of the dwarfs who had a magic ring and gold, which were taken from them by Siegfried. [1/2 definitions]
Old Norse the Germanic language of Scandinavia before the fourteenth century.
Ring of the Nibelung in Germanic legend, the gold ring made by the leader of the Nibelung dwarfs.
rune1 any character of the early Germanic alphabets, esp. those used by Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons. [1/2 definitions]
Saxon a member of the Germanic people that inhabited northern Germany and invaded England in the fifth and sixth centuries. [1/4 definitions]
Siegfried in Germanic legend and in The Nibelungenlied, a hero who wins the treasure of the Nibelungs and kills the dragon.
Swedish the Germanic language of Sweden. [1/3 definitions]
Teuton a member of an ancient Germanic people that lived in northern Europe. [1/2 definitions]
Teutonic Germanic. [1/3 definitions]
vandal (cap.) a member of a Germanic people that attacked parts of the Roman Empire in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. [1/3 definitions]