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approve to give official sanction to. [1/3 definitions]
check in to register at a hotel, conference, or the like, or to give official confirmation of one's intention to travel imminently. [1/2 definitions]
coruscate to give off flashes of light; sparkle; glitter.
diplomatic careful not to give offense or appear critical; tactful. [1/2 definitions]
evolve to give off; emit. [1/5 definitions]
exude to emit or give off from, or as if from, the pores of the skin. [1/2 definitions]
fume to give off or exhale (an odor, smoke, vapor, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
glare1 to give off a steady, blinding light. [1/6 definitions]
glimmer to give off a dim or unsteady light. [1/4 definitions]
glint to give off flickers or small flashes of reflected light; shine briefly. [1/4 definitions]
glowworm any of several insects of the beetle family with abdominal organs that give off light, such as the larvae or wingless females of the firefly.
ill-favored tending to give offense; objectionable. [1/2 definitions]
micturate to give off urine from the body; urinate.
mind one's p's and q's to be careful in one's behavior, esp. not to give offense.
ooze1 to give off moisture. [2/7 definitions]
patchouli a mint plant native to India, having leaves that give off a fragrant brown oil. [1/2 definitions]
shed2 to send forth or give off. [1/7 definitions]
smell to have or give off an odor or fragrance. [2/12 definitions]
smoke to give off smoke or a vapor or gas that resembles smoke. [1/12 definitions]
sparkle to give off gas bubbles, as wine or soda; effervesce. [1/9 definitions]
stink bug any of a variety of insects that give off a disagreeable odor.