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barrage to subject to a barrage, as of gunfire or words. [1/3 definitions]
crossfire a volley of projectiles, esp. gunfire, directed at some central point from two separated positions. [1/2 definitions]
earthwork an embankment or wall made of earth, usu. for protection against enemy gunfire. [1/2 definitions]
enfilade gunfire directed along the entire length of a military target, such as a line of soldiers. [2/3 definitions]
firefight a brief but heavy exchange of gunfire, usu. between small military units; skirmish.
gunplay an exchange of gunfire, usu. in a civilian setting.
gun-shy easily frightened by the sound of gunfire, as a dog. [1/2 definitions]
staccato composed of abrupt, distinct notes, sounds, or parts, as a musical passage or a burst of gunfire. [1/6 definitions]