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bridle path a wide trail used for horseback riding, pack horses, or the like.
buckaroo a man who tends cattle, often on horseback; cowboy.
cavalry troops mounted on horseback or in armored carriers or helicopters, or the branch of military service composed of such troops.
chaps full-length leather leggings worn esp. by cowboys to protect the legs while riding horseback.
cowgirl a young woman hired to herd and tend cattle, usu. on horseback, in the western United States. [1/2 definitions]
dude ranch a vacation resort operated like a ranch, offering horseback riding and other similar outdoor pastimes.
equestrian of or concerning horseback riding or horsemanship. [2/3 definitions]
ford to cross (a river or other body of water) at a shallow place, as on foot or horseback. [1/2 definitions]
fox hunt a sport in which hunters on horseback follow dogs in pursuit of a fox. [1/2 definitions]
joust a real or simulated fight in which two knights on horseback ride toward each other and try to unhorse each other with lances or other weapons. [1/4 definitions]
knight in medieval times, a warrior on horseback, esp. one who had served an apprenticeship and followed a strict code of conduct. [1/5 definitions]
outdoorswoman a woman devoted to outdoor activities, esp. horseback riding, hiking, fishing, and the like.
pentathlon in the Olympic games, a five-event contest in which each competitor must ride, on horseback, a cross-country course, run cross-country, swim, fence, and shoot a pistol. [1/2 definitions]
pigsticking the hunting of wild boars, esp. the spearing of them from horseback.
polo a game played on horseback by two teams of three or four members each who use long-handled mallets to drive a small wooden ball into the opponent's goal.
postrider formerly, a person who carried mail on horseback.
post road a road along which there were stations at which travelers on horseback or in horse-drawn wagons could acquire fresh horses. [1/2 definitions]
riding an act or instance of taking or having a ride, esp. on horseback. [1/3 definitions]
riding school a school providing instruction in horseback riding.
steeplechase a long race during which riders on horseback leap over natural or artificial obstacles. [1/2 definitions]