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Dictionary Suite
crocodile tears a hypocritical display of grief; insincere tears.
double-faced presenting a false appearance; hypocritical; two-faced. [1/2 definitions]
double-tongued hypocritical; deceitful.
glad hand (informal) a hearty but often insincere or hypocritical welcome, greeting, reception, or the like.
insincere showing false or dishonest feelings or opinions; hypocritical.
mummery an empty, pretentious, or hypocritical display or ceremony.
Pecksniffian feigning charity and moral purity; hypocritical in one's attitude of benevolence.
pharisaic pretending to live virtuously without actually doing so; hypocritical. [1/3 definitions]
pharisee a hypocritical, sanctimonious person. [1/2 definitions]
two-faced insincere or hypocritical; deceitful; dishonest. [1/2 definitions]