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adore to love and admire deeply or intensely. [1/4 definitions]
bête noire (French) black beast; someone or something that is intensely disliked or feared.
Calvary (sometimes l.c.) a place or occasion of severe trial, or an intensely painful, anguishing experience. [1/2 definitions]
concentrated intensely focused. [1/3 definitions]
concentration intensely focused mental energy. [1/5 definitions]
covet to want intensely. [1/3 definitions]
crash1 (slang) to feel intensely depressed after a drug-induced euphoria. [1/17 definitions]
crave to desire intensely or need urgently. [1/3 definitions]
dead the most intensely dark or cold period. [1/16 definitions]
deep intensely felt, as emotions. [1/13 definitions]
enthusiast a person intensely interested in or obsessed with a particular subject. [1/2 definitions]
excruciating extremely painful or intensely distressing; agonizing. [1/2 definitions]
fall for (informal) to become intensely attracted to (someone) and feel that one is in love. [1/2 definitions]
fervid heated or impassioned; intensely enthusiastic; extremely fervent. [1/2 definitions]
furnace an intensely hot place. [1/3 definitions]
gospel a rhythmic and intensely emotional American music, developed from folk music and spirituals, that is written or sung for or as if for a Christian religious service; gospel music. [1/6 definitions]
hate to dislike intensely; feel hostility toward; loathe; detest. [1/4 definitions]
hateful intensely disliked. [1/3 definitions]
heavily intensely or severely. [1/4 definitions]
narrow careful or meticulous; intensely focused. [1/10 definitions]
scrappy2 intensely competitive. [1/2 definitions]