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Aeaea in Greek mythology, the island home of the sorceress Circe.
Aeaean of or pertaining to Aeaea, the island home of the sorceress Circe in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
Aeaean Circe in Greek mythology, the enchantress Circe, who has the power to turn sailors into swine, as described by an epithet referring to her island home, Aeaea.
Antigua an island country of the eastern West Indies; Antigua and Barbuda. [1/2 definitions]
Antilles the main island chain of the West Indies that includes Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and several smaller islands stretching to the coast of Venezuela.
Atlantis a mythical Atlantic island and ancient civilization west of Gibraltar that supposedly sank into the sea.
atoll a ring-shaped island or reef that surrounds a lagoon.
Australia an island continent southeast of Indonesia and between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. [1/2 definitions]
Bahrain an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia. [1/2 definitions]
Barbados an island country in the Antilles.
barrier island a long narrow sandy island formed parallel to a shore protecting it from erosion.
bluepoint a small oyster found mostly in beds near the eastern tip of Long Island.
Borneo a large island in the Malay Archipelago, the northern coast of which belongs to Malaysia and Brunei, while the rest belongs to Indonesia.
Britain the main island of the United Kingdom, located off the northwest coast of France and occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales; Great Britain. [1/2 definitions]
Britannia the island of Great Britain during the Roman Empire, esp. the southern, Roman provinces. [1/3 definitions]
Brooklyn a New York City borough on the western end of Long Island.
Cancún a popular Mexican resort town, part of which is island, located on the northeastern, Caribbean coast of the Yucatan peninsula.
Cape Horn a cape on an island that belongs to Chile, at the extreme southern end of South America.
cay a small, low-lying island or reef; key.
Celebes an Indonesian island east of Borneo; Sulawesi.
Corsica a French Mediterranean island between Sardinia and the Italian coast.