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Antilles the main island chain of the West Indies that includes Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and several smaller islands stretching to the coast of Venezuela.
British West Indies the Caribbean islands that are members of the Commonwealth, such as Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago.
B.W.I. abbreviation of "British West Indies," the Caribbean islands that are members of the Commonwealth, such as Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago.
hoodoo religious sorcery practiced esp. by some of the Afro-Caribbean population of Haiti, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands; voodoo. [1/3 definitions]
Jamaica rum a dark, pungent, full-bodied rum made in Jamaica.
Kingston the seaport capital of Jamaica.
reggae a music influenced by blues, calypso, and rock-'n'-roll that originated in Jamaica, has a simple, strong, syncopated beat, and often has lyrics of social protest.
shilling a former monetary unit of several countries of the British Commonwealth, including Ireland and Jamaica. [1/3 definitions]