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appendix a short closed tube of tissue that projects from the pouch at the beginning of the large intestine in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen; vermiform appendix. [1/3 definitions]
cecum a cavity opening at only one end, esp. the pouch at the head of the large intestine.
colitis inflammation of the large intestine.
colo- colon or large intestine.
colon2 in anatomy, the segment of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum.
intestine (usu. pl.) the lower part of the digestive system, specifically a long tube, divided into the small and large intestines, that extends in coils from the stomach to the anus. [1/2 definitions]
pinworm a small parasitic nematode worm that infests the large intestine and rectum, esp. in children.
rectum the straight section of the large intestine connected to the anus.
small intestine in vertebrates, the narrow part of the intestine in which digestion takes place, extending from the pyloric end of the stomach to the large intestine and consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
transverse colon the central section of the large intestine that occupies the upper part of the abdominal cavity.
vermiform appendix the narrow, blind tube extending from the cecum of the large intestine.