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Dictionary Suite
cactus a leafless, fleshy-stemmed, often prickly plant that grows in hot, dry regions of America.
coralroot any of various leafless orchids with roots that resemble coral.
defoliate having lost all leaves; leafless. [1/4 definitions]
devil's paintbrush a common perennial weed found in Europe and North America that bears a cluster of orange-red flowers atop a leafless stalk.
Indian pipe an almost leafless waxy white plant, related to heath, that lives on decayed organic matter, bears a single white flower on each stalk, and looks like a tobacco pipe.
paloverde any of several spiny, nearly leafless shrubs of southwestern North America that bear bright yellow flowers.
pinedrops a leafless parasitic plant that grows under pine trees, bearing small white flowers.
scape a leafless flower stem growing straight up from the crown in certain plants. [1/2 definitions]
tendril a long, thin, leafless twining stem or extension with which some climbing plants attach themselves to a support. [1/2 definitions]