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acanthus any of various Mediterranean plants with large, spiny leaves. [2 definitions]
African violet any of several related tropical plants, very popular as houseplants, that have fuzzy dark green leaves and bear violet, pink, or white flowers.
agave any of the tropical American plants, such as the century plant, that are related to the amaryllis and have tall, branched clusters of flowers and leaves with spiny edges.
agrimony any of various related plants of the rose family that have compound feathery leaves and bear long clusters of small yellow flowers on spiky stalks, and a prickly fruit. [1/2 definitions]
ailanthus a deciduous tree, originating in Asia, with fernlike leaves and clusters of greenish flowers with an offensive odor.
alga any of various primitive, chiefly aquatic plants that have no roots, stems, or leaves, including the seaweeds and diatoms.
aloe any of a genus of mostly African plants that have thick, jagged leaves and bear red or yellow flowers. [2 definitions]
aloe vera a plant with spiky leaves that contain a juice thought to heal cuts and burns. [1/2 definitions]
amaranth a plant having coarse leaves and bearing purple, green, or red clusters of small flowers, often grown as a food crop. [1/3 definitions]
amplexicaul encircling or clasping the stem, as some leaves.
anthurium any of several tropical plants, often cultivated for their colorful leaves and flowers.
arborvitae any of various evergreens having small cones and leaves of closely overlapping scales, often grown as an ornamental shrub or tree.
arbutus an evergreen tree or shrub of the heath family having broad dark green leaves and bearing clusters of pink or white flowers and small strawberrylike fruit. [1/2 definitions]
areca any of several tall palm trees of tropical Asia, such as the betel palm, having a smooth, slender trunk and feathery leaves and bearing red or orange nuts. [1/2 definitions]
arrowhead an aquatic plant having arrowhead-shaped leaves and white blossoms. [1/3 definitions]
arugula a plant of the mustard family having flat, green leaves that have a distinctive pungent taste and are often used as salad greens.
arum any of a family of plants, such as jack-in-the-pulpit, with arrow-shaped leaves and bearing a flower, at the tip of a long spike, that is enclosed by a hoodlike leaf. [1/2 definitions]
ash2 any of a group of trees that are related to the olive and have winged seeds and compound leaves. [1/2 definitions]
aspen any of several poplar trees whose leaves flutter in the slightest breeze.
aspidistra a plant with broad, smooth evergreen leaves growing from the base of the stem, often cultivated as a houseplant.
aucuba an Asian evergreen shrub of the dogwood family that has variegated leaves and bears red berries.