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article a specific section in a document such as a constitution or piece of legislation. [1/4 definitions]
cosponsor one who jointly sponsors an event, legislation, presentation, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
House Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Often referred to as Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules.
initiative in government, a process whereby voters can propose legislation directly. [1/3 definitions]
legislate to control or put limits on by legislation. [1/3 definitions]
lobby to work for or obtain the passage of (legislation) by lobbying. [1/5 definitions]
logrolling the exchange of political assistance or support, esp. by legislators who trade votes in order to achieve passage of legislation of interest to each. [1/2 definitions]
pressure group any special-interest group that tries to influence government officials and legislation through publicity, lobbying, or the like.
procedure an official or fixed course of action in business, law, or legislation. [1/3 definitions]
provision a formal statement or clause, as in a contract or piece of legislation, that arranges a condition. [1/6 definitions]
Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Also referred to as House Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules. [1/2 definitions]
unanimous consent agreement a means by which the U.S. Senate expedites legislative proceedings, calling for members to agree upon a set of terms by which procedures surrounding a piece of legislation will be conducted. Unanimous consent agreements specify items such as a time limit for debate on a bill and who will control the debate.
United States House Committee on Rules a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. The committee is often referred to as Rules Committee or House Rules Committee.
ways and means methods and legislation by which to increase the financial resources available, esp. to a government for distribution. [1/2 definitions]