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Dictionary Suite
aurora australis the aurora of the Southern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the South Pole; southern lights.
aurora borealis the aurora of the Northern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the North Pole; northern lights.
blackout the extinguishing or hiding of all the lights of a city or region, as in a power failure or air raid. [1/4 definitions]
chandelier a light fixture, often decorative, suspended from a ceiling and bearing multiple lights.
Christmas tree a real or imitation evergreen tree, usu. mounted indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
dim (pl.) the lower-intensity or lower-pitched lights of an automotive vehicle. [1/9 definitions]
dimmer (usu. pl.) the parking lights or low-beam headlights of a vehicle. [1/2 definitions]
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
filament in an electrical device such as a light bulb, a fine wire that lights or heats up when current is passed through it. [1/3 definitions]
footlight (usu. pl.) the row of lights at the front of a stage near floor level. [1/2 definitions]
friction match a match that lights by friction or rubbing.
gel a thin, colored piece of translucent material containing gelatin that is placed over theater lights; gelatin slide. [1/3 definitions]
gridiron in theaters, a framework above the stage that supports lights and set pieces. [1/4 definitions]
houselights the lights illuminating that part of a theater or auditorium in which the audience is seated.
lamplighter a person formerly employed to light and extinguish gas street lights. [1/2 definitions]
lighter1 someone or something that lights or ignites. [1/2 definitions]
lightship a ship equipped with sirens, lights, foghorns, and the like that is moored in dangerous waters to guide other ships.
lights out a signal to turn off the lights for the night, esp. used in military and other camps. [1/2 definitions]
running light any of various lights that a ship or aircraft traveling at night must display to signal its position and movement.
semaphore a device for or method of signaling, as on a railroad, by means of lights and symbolic signs or flags. [1/3 definitions]
sidelight either of the two lights displayed by a ship sailing at night, a red one to port or a green one to starboard. [1/3 definitions]