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Archimedes a Greek mathematician and inventor (287?-212 B.C.).
Euclid a Greek mathematician and teacher (third century B.C.).
Gaussian of or pertaining to a function named after the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss that represents statistical data as a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. [2/4 definitions]
Gaussian distribution function a function named after the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss that represents statistical data as a symmetrical bell-shaped curve; normal distribution function.
Isaac Newton an English philosopher and mathematician who formulated the laws of gravity (b.1642--d.1727).
Johannes Kepler a German astronomer and mathematician (b.1571--d.1630).
Omar Khayyam a Persian poet and mathematician (b.1050?--d.1123?).
Ptolemy an Alexandrian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer (second century A.D.). [1/2 definitions]
Pythagoras a Greek philosopher and mathematician (582?-500? B.C.).
René Descartes a French philosopher and mathematician (b.1596--d.1650).