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ashram a religious community or retreat at which people meet for meditation and exercise, esp. yoga. [1/2 definitions]
contemplation deep religious or spiritual meditation. [1/2 definitions]
contemplative one who is dedicated to contemplation and meditation, such as a monk. [1/2 definitions]
eremite a recluse, esp. one who retreats for religious meditation; hermit.
Hinayana the earlier and more conservative branch of Buddhism, which emphasizes self-discipline, meditation, and self-purification. (Cf. Mahayana.)
koan in Zen Buddhism, a nonsense question or paradox used as an aid to meditation in order to encourage a greater awareness of reality.
mandala any of various graphic symbols of the universe that are usu. circular with enclosed complex geometric designs, used esp. as an aid to meditation in Hinduism and Buddhism.
meditative disposed to, marked by, or indicating meditation; deeply thoughtful.
musing absorbed in thought or meditation. [2 definitions]
mystic a person who believes in or practices the gaining of insight into mysteries by transcending ordinary human reality, esp. through revelation or processes of concentrated meditation. [1/5 definitions]
Quaker meeting a religious meeting of Quakers, characterized by long periods of meditation and silent prayer.
reflection the process of intent thought or meditation, or a particular thought arising from this process. [1/4 definitions]
reflective characterized by or tending to meditation, esp. in contrast to abrupt action; thoughtful. [1/3 definitions]
retreat the withdrawal of a group for prayer, meditation, or study. [1/8 definitions]
tai chi a Chinese system of slow and methodical physical exercises, developed as a method of self-defense, and as an aid to meditation.
theosophy any of various religious philosophies based on mystical insight of the individual person into divinity, arising from spiritual perception and meditation. [1/2 definitions]
thought1 meditation; reflection. [1/6 definitions]
TM2 abbreviation of "transcendental meditation."
yoga any set of exercises involving the postures, meditation, and breathing techniques of this discipline. [1/2 definitions]
Zen a type of Buddhism, now practiced in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, that emphasizes individual spiritual enlightenment through meditation. [1/2 definitions]