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bee moth a moth that lays its eggs in beehives, the wax of which provides food for the moth larvae.
cankerworm any of several moth larvae that feed on fruit and foliage often destroying fruit and shade trees.
caterpillar a butterfly or moth larva, resembling a worm and often brightly colored. [1/2 definitions]
cecropia moth (sometimes cap.) a very large North American moth that has wide brown wings with crescent-shaped red and black markings.
chrysalid the pupa of a moth or butterfly; chrysalis. [1/2 definitions]
chrysalis a hard shell or cocoon encasing a moth or butterfly in the pupal stage; pupa.
cocoon a fibrous covering produced by immature insects, such as butterfly and moth larvae, to protect them during metamorphosis, or by some spiders to hide their eggs. [1/2 definitions]
codling moth a small moth, found nearly worldwide, whose larvae feed on apples, pears, and the like.
corn borer a moth larva that is highly destructive to corn and other plants.
death's head moth a large European hawk moth that has markings on its back resembling a human skull.
geometrid a moth of this family. [1/2 definitions]
gypsy moth a moth having as its larva a hairy caterpillar that is extremely destructive to foliage.
hawk moth any of various moths with a thick body, long, slender wings, and a long feeding tube used for sipping nectar from flowers while in flight; sphinx moth.
inchworm a wormlike moth larva that alternately arches and stretches its body as it moves.
io moth a large North American moth with prominent eyespots on each hind wing.
jumping bean the seed of certain Mexican plants of the spurge family, which contains the larva of a small moth whose movements cause the seed to roll and jump.
lepidopteran a moth or butterfly.
luna moth a large pale-green North American moth with a crescent-shaped spot on each wing and long tail-like projections on the hind wings.
moth the clothes moth, which lays its eggs in fur or cloth, esp. wool, on which its growing larvae feed. [1/2 definitions]
moth-eaten eaten full of holes by or as if by moth larvae. [1/3 definitions]
mothproof not susceptible to damage caused by moth larvae. [2 definitions]