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begum a high-ranking Muslim woman, often a widow.
Berber a member of one of several North African Muslim tribes. [1/2 definitions]
burka a long, loose garment that covers the face and body, worn in public by many Muslim women with a space left open for the eyes and typically covered by a mesh screen. [1/2 definitions]
cadi a Muslim judge whose decisions are based on Islamic religious law.
caliph in Islam, a spiritual and political leader in some Muslim countries.
chador an outer garment worn by Muslim women, esp. in Iran, made of a long, dark-colored cloth that is wrapped loosely around the head and body and covers all or part of the face.
dervish someone who belongs to any of several Muslim religious groups noted for their ascetic practices and for dancing and whirling in religious ecstasy.
emir a Muslim chieftain or governor. [1/2 definitions]
fakir a wandering beggar of the Muslim or Hindu religion, esp. one who performs remarkable feats such as lying on a bed of nails.
hajj the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim is expected to make at least once, esp. during Ramadan.
hajji a title of honor conferred upon a Muslim who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
hakim1 in Muslim countries, a physician or a wise man.
hakim2 a Muslim judge, ruler, or governor.
half-caste (offensive) one whose parents are of different origins, esp. European and Hindu or European and Muslim. [1/2 definitions]
harem a house or section of a house or palace set aside for the female members of a Muslim household, or the occupants themselves.
hijab the cloth that covers the head, hair, and neck of Muslim women, worn in observance to religion. [1/2 definitions]
houri one of the beautiful young virgins of the Muslim paradise. [1/2 definitions]
ihram the clothing worn by a Muslim pilgrim to Mecca, composed of one section of white cotton covering the midsection and another covering a shoulder. [1/2 definitions]
imam the officiating leader of prayer in a Muslim mosque. [3 definitions]
infidel unbelieving, esp. unaccepting of the Christian or Muslim faith. [1/2 definitions]
infidelity lack of adherence to the Christian or Muslim religious faith. [1/3 definitions]