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Bermuda a British colony comprising a group of islands southeast of North Carolina.
Cherokee a member of a North American Indian tribe that formerly lived in the southeastern United States, and now is mostly in Oklahoma and North Carolina. [1/2 definitions]
NC abbreviation of "North Carolina," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Virginia and South Carolina.
Raleigh the capital of North Carolina.
Roanoke Island an island off the coast of North Carolina, where colonists brought by Sir Walter Raleigh established the first English settlement in North America in 1585.
SC abbreviation of "South Carolina," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast, between North Carolina and Georgia.
South Carolina a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast, between North Carolina and Georgia. (abbr.: SC)
Tuscarora a member of a tribe of North American Indians formerly living in North Carolina, and later in upstate New York, and that belong to the Six Nations. [1/2 definitions]
VA1 abbreviation of "Virginia," a southern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Maryland and North Carolina.
Virginia a southern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Maryland and North Carolina. (abbr.: VA)