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antipodes places directly opposite each other on the surface of the earth, as the North Pole and the South Pole.
arctic (often cap.) of or pertaining to the geographic region encompassing the North Pole. [1/5 definitions]
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and south of the North Pole.
Arctic Ocean an ocean that surrounds the North Pole; Arctic.
aurora borealis the aurora of the Northern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the North Pole; northern lights.
polar of, pertaining to, or near one end of the axis of a spherical body, esp. the North Pole or South Pole of the earth. [1/3 definitions]
Saint Nicholas in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who embodies the charitable spirit of Christmas. He wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; Santa Claus. [1/2 definitions]
Saint Nick (informal) shortened form of "Saint Nicholas"; in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who embodies the charitable spirit of Christmas. He wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; Santa Claus.
Santa Claus in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who embodies the charitable spirit of Christmas. He wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; St. Nicholas; St. Nick; Kriss Kringle.