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Dictionary Suite
Aeolis an ancient Greek colony on the northwest coast of Asia Minor.
Athabaskan a group of American Indian languages spoken by western tribes from Alaska and northwest Canada down through the coastal regions of Oregon and California. [1/3 definitions]
Atlas Mountains a range of mountains in northwest Africa stretching across the southwestern part of Morocco and northern parts of Algeria and Tunisia.
bigfoot a conjectured animal resembling a large ape or gorilla, alleged to live in the wilder areas of the Pacific Northwest; sasquatch.
Britain the main island of the United Kingdom, located off the northwest coast of France and occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales; Great Britain. [1/2 definitions]
Canary Islands a group of islands off the northwest coast of Africa that comprises two Spanish provinces; Canaries.
Chinook Jargon a pidgin language incorporating words from English, French, Chinook, and other Indian languages, formerly used by traders in the American Northwest.
Flathead any member of several Indian tribes in the northwest United States, esp. a Salishan tribe of Montana.
Guernsey an island of the United Kingdom in the English Channel near the northwest tip of France; Isle of Guernsey. [1/2 definitions]
hammer a hand tool having a solid, heavy head set across a handle and used to pound, indent, or beat metal, nails, or the like into shape or place, or any similar device. [1/14 definitions]
Machu Picchu an extensive Inca ruin located in the Andes Mountains northwest of Cuzco, Peru.
Madeira a group of Portuguese islands off the northwest African coast. [1/3 definitions]
NNW abbreviation of "north-northwest," a point on the compass halfway between north and northwest.
north-northwest a point on the compass halfway between north and northwest. [2 definitions]
northwest a region in the direction of northwest. [3/4 definitions]
northwester a strong wind or storm from the northwest.
northwesterly of, in, or toward the northwest. [3 definitions]
northwestern located in, coming from, or characteristic of the northwest.
northwestward toward the northwest. [3 definitions]
northwestwardly toward the northwest. [2 definitions]
Nunavut a territory in northern Canada created from eastern portions of the Northwest Territories in the late 1990s.