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Dictionary Suite
air the tasteless, odorless, and colorless mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. [1/8 definitions]
arsenic a tasteless, odorless, extremely poisonous white compound of arsenic and oxygen, used as a pesticide; arsenous acid; arsenic trioxide. [1/2 definitions]
benzocaine a white, odorless, tasteless powder used in ointments as a local anesthetic and a shield against sunburn.
carbon dioxide a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages.
carbon monoxide a colorless, odorless, combustible, and very poisonous gas, produced by the incomplete combustion of material containing carbon, such as gasoline, because of insufficient air.
CO2 abbreviation of "carbon dioxide," a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages.
ethane a colorless, odorless gas found in natural gas and used as a fuel or refrigerant.
hexachlorophene a white, nearly odorless powder used in medicine and cosmetics to inhibit or eliminate bacteria.
lewisite a highly toxic, odorless compound that causes severe blistering, used in chemical warfare.
nitrogen a chemical element that has seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a colorless, odorless gas that comprises about eighty percent of the earth's atmosphere, or in important compounds such as nitrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and ammonia. (symbol: N) [1/3 definitions]
oxygen a chemical element that has eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form, as a colorless, odorless gas essential to the respiration of living things, or in important compounds such as water, carbohydrates, and oxide minerals. (symbol: O)
paraffin an odorless waxy white substance derived from petroleum, wood, or coal and used to make candles, sealing materials, and waxed paper. [1/3 definitions]
phenobarbital an odorless white crystalline powder that is used as a sedative, hypnotic, and antispasmodic.
rosin oil a viscous, brownish, odorless oil obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, electrical insulation, and inks.
rotenone a white, odorless, poisonous, crystalline compound obtained from the roots of derris and cube plants and used in insecticides and treatments for chiggers and scabies.
sodium benzoate a sweet odorless white powder, the sodium salt of benzoic acid, used as a food preservative and antiseptic; benzoate of soda.
stearic acid a colorless, odorless, waxlike fatty acid, occurring in many animal and vegetable fats, that is used in making candles, soaps, and cosmetics.
stearin a colorless, odorless, tasteless ester found in most animal and vegetable fats that is used in the manufacture of soaps, adhesives, textile sizes, and the like.
uric acid a white, odorless, crystalline substance, found in urine and the excreta of birds and reptiles.
warfarin a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and water-insoluble crystalline compound used to kill rodents and, in medicine, to prevent coagulation.
water a transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid that takes the form of rain, rivers, oceans, and lakes and is required to sustain most forms of life. [1/14 definitions]