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Casbah the citadel and palace of a North African ruler. [1/2 definitions]
Forbidden City a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public as the Palace Museum.
harem a house or section of a house or palace set aside for the female members of a Muslim household, or the occupants themselves.
Louvre a building in Paris constructed as a royal palace and now a national museum of art.
Palace Museum a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public; Forbidden City.
Palacio Nacional in Mexico, a national palace built in 1693 by the conquistador, Hernán Cortés. [2 definitions]
palatial of, resembling, or relating to a palace. [2 definitions]
palatine belonging or suited to a palace. [2/5 definitions]
palazzo (Italian) a grand or majestic building or house; palace.
seraglio in a Muslim palace or house, a secluded court with multiple rooms, such as a harem. [2 definitions]
Vatican the papal residence in Vatican City; Vatican Palace. [1/4 definitions]
Whitehall the former royal palace in London, destroyed by fire in 1698. [1/2 definitions]